Nature's Best poetry blog

"For Love is Immortality" -Emily Dickinson

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Desert (free verse)

So hot and dry
only the cacti provides water.
Deriving creatures of the essential needs.
baked and blazing,
cracking the ground,
fierce winds blow hard.
Evaporating all the water
Temperatures reaching up to 50 Celcius,
like the Death valley
this is the desert.

Monday 26 March 2012

Forest life (edited to a Shakesperean sonnet)

Running hard in the big rocky forest,
and then it suddenly appeals to me,
that the spiritual growth of this vast place,
is always thriving like a living tree.
Animals that will eternelly run,
shape the environment that we live in,
all the humid wetlands and damp marshes,
protected by mother nature within.
Enormous plants and scraggly bushes,
they constently be so useful to us,
they breathe in the pollution,
and so we can evermore conclude that thus,
the whole forest is always alert, alive
all very hidden within, all which strive.

Combs(quatrain) *

Bzzz Bzzz, bees start to buzz,
the coming out of the hive but 'twas,
penetrating  as through the air,
and it startes to flare.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Sun (quatrain)

Sunshine flutttering into the room
fills the air with heat,
the flowers start to bloom,
all so gentle and sweet.

Friday 23 March 2012

Dandelion (quatrain)

The yellow dandelion,
comes to life every spring
in which it is an abstraction,
that gives off a strong ring.

Gloomy day (quatrain) *

Hanging vines and a broken twig,
Flying clouds overhead,
it eludes me why they are so big,
so ominous, filled with extreme dread.

Thursday 22 March 2012

Jungle mysteries (quatrain)

Stalking in the jungle,
like a tiger's breath.
I hear the call of the bugle,
which signals the end of the ferocious wrath.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Nature (free verse) *

Vast of birds and animal life,
full of songs and dance,
so unique and yet wild,
filled with natural disasters,
a variety of a plant kingdom,
and the phenominon of what is all around us.

Monday 19 March 2012

Scenery (diamante) *

              blue wavy
    lapping freezing amazing
  water seas jungle woodland
     running leaping flying
            bushy viney

Mountain (haiku) *

The mountain glacier,
really high above the ground
All frozen with ice.

Storm gathering (free verse) *

On a overcast day,
the clouds are beginning to gather,
over the apocalyptic bay,
In which it starts to rain.
Raining hard,
as it pours down,
the rocks start to drown,
and the bay starts to flood.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Nature (edited to a shakesperean sonnet)

Nature is beautifully amazing,
we should enjoy the wonders of nature,
as we most often are viewing, gazing,
at nature's astounding architecture.
The ghastly damage is already done.
We must stop the deadly global warming,
as many of our loved ones often run,
it is very shcoking and alarming.
The beautiful preserved green grassy field,
the white, fluffy, soft and delicate swan.
Nature most certainly cannot be healed,
as the whole kindom of things is all gone.
Nature must be, has to be protected,
As humans will also be affected.

Friday 16 March 2012

Tree (life) free verse

A little tree,
just planted, all newborn,
Seasons later, a little bigger,
Leaves starting to sprout,
starting to go green.
Winter comes,
the tree grows bigger,
as it loses all its leaves,
and go into hibernation.
The sun comes out,
and it needs to be watered,
or else it will shrivel.
Years later, it blossoms
into a full grown tree,
with all its colourful and magical leaves.
Approaching Christmas,
it gets cut down,
too big for the forest,
it is stored inside peoples homes
as they celebrate.
Once a little shrub,
Now a full grown tree.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Gentle breeze (edited to a Shakesperean sonnet)

The big tall green bushy forest pine trees,
covered with blowing white and pretty snow
in the blue sky, where the gentle breezes
that always, in the drafting, cool wind blow.
Through the pleasant, miraculous breezes,
there are always chimes, ringing all the time.
even though large icicles always freeze,
that are chilled, pierced in the light wintertime.
This beautiful landscape is amazing.
Speechless, one cannot describe it with words
and nonstop, it usually is blazing
with the regular, graceful hummingirds.
Fluttering in the crimson, sunset sky,
This is where tranquility and peace lie.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Forest Life

Running in the forest,
it appeals to me,
that the spiritual growth of this place,
is like a living tree.
Animals that run,
shape the environment that we live in,
all the wetlands and marshes,
are protected by mother nature within.
Plants and bushes,
breathe in carbon,
they are so useful to us,
and so thus,
the whole forest is alive
all hidden within, all which thrive.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Storm (quatrain)

The lightning strike
the moving clouds,
pierces the ground like a spike
is all like a crowd.

Monday 12 March 2012

Sunset glow (quatrain)

Watching the sunset glow
gives me a warmth inside,
though it gives me quite a blow,
it will always abide.

Night sky (quatrain) *

As I stare into the dark sky,
I notice a streak of bright light,
That reaches up oh so high,
with the drifting breeze throughout the night.

Saturday 10 March 2012


I know its true
when  waved the peace flag
that pierced, that cut through
the skies.
We won, I'm sure of it
battered and bruised by nature's fury
which does not keep us warm,
but destroys us, bit by bit.
Through the rough drifts
the wind is swift,
deploying soldiers,
to keep our country free.
Poppies blow, in the air,
landing between the crosses,
In Flanders Fields.
On November 11th we celebrate,
the intrepidity of each soldier.
Standing in silence, we remember.
We remember the exertion
each soldier had to face.
We remember your faces,
your sacrifice and heroism.
The echo of your selflessness,
and the powerful legacy
you have left behind.
Many may not be with us today,
but we remember in our hearts,
the service that they provided,
and the dedication to their country.

Friday 9 March 2012

Cliff hanger (quatrain) *

The enormous cliff,
looms above the blue ocean,
eagles and hawks fly in motion,
landing on the numerous skiffs.

Thursday 8 March 2012

The five senses (free verse)

I hear the blue jay singing,
I touch the green bush plants,
I taste the luscious aroma,
I smell the sweet scent of pine needles,
And the I see a world of natural wonder.

Natural disasters (diamante)

           blazing red
  spurting rumbling shaking
    fire coals surge wave
   flying crashing breaking
       enormous giant

Destructive storms (diamante) *

         horrific unstable
rumbling destroying damaging
   tremor fault funnel storm
  moving treaching shaking
        destructive tragic

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Waterfall (free verse)

Cold liquid,
in the rushing water,
sprinkling down the cliff,
splashes at the bottom,
brings up mist and fog,
while white water wash wafts everywhere.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Global warming (free verse)

What will we do...?
without the wildlife, the plants,
all absorbing massive damage.
carbon polluting the air,
more natural disasters,
such as hurricanes and tornadoes,
tsunamis and thunderstorms

What will we do...?
In the countryside,
the ground is shifting,
opening up the enormous core.
that spurts out lava,
and shakes the tree roots.
Cities, towns, villages
flooding with water,
overcrowding rooftops,
disease spreading
What will we do...?

Heat waves and drought,
conflicts and war,
sea level risings,
polar ice meltings,
floods and fires,
What will we do...?

An increase in smog,
massive animal extinction.
Is this the effect of global warming...?
The greenhouse effect...?;
Preventing damage is key
saving the polar bears from extinction,
the migratory birds,
the hibernating animals,
and the ocean life.
Not extricating the foreboding situation,
that is what we will do.


Monday 5 March 2012

Peace (haiku) *

Dove wings beat about,
Crickets chirp in the morning,
Peace is all around

Sunday 4 March 2012

Waterfalls (free verse)

The white falling falls.
The rushing water, the incoming sound of massive water,
gallons and gallons of water bolting down a huge cliff,
dropping into a cumbersome river.
The beautiful mist, the colourful rainbows,
all which blends into the terrain,
which is the waterfall.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Friday 2 March 2012

Ocean (free verse)

The elegant ocean
Waves lapping,
Salty seawater.
Animal life,
over the rocks,
Surface shimmering
Rippling tides,
Peaceful and
As dusk approaches,
The sun sets,
The aurora fades away.
Throughout the night,
It is dark, gloomy
Ominous, frightening,
Foreboding, fearful,
Without a light,
It becomes dim,
As morning approaches,
It is sensational, and
It is magnificent,
That is the power of the blue ocean.

Spring showers (free verse)

March, April, May,
bring the coming of spring showers,
raindrops hitting the pavement like dust,
fog concealing the entire street,
sewers flooding with water,
which signals the arrival
of spring showers.

Nature (free verse)

the Canadian Rockies,
the vast plant and animal life,
the radiant oceans,
the elegant auroras.
Nature is phenomenal.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Winter wonderland (Haiku)

Winter wonderland
is covered in ice and sheet,
cold, yet really fun.

The Alps (Haiku) *

Hiking in the Alps,
sheltering in a big cave.
The blizzard rages.

Mother nature (Diamante)

                      moist humid
           habiting humming sweating
             tropic Amazon peak cliff
            snowing freezing piercing
                     chilly frigid

River (free verse)

The massive river,
filled with different marine life,
which echoes throughout the forest,
is a home to many.

Landscape (Haiku)

The overcast sky
pine trees looming over us,
Background scenery.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Forest (quatrain)

Walking through the trees
there is an easy breeze
hearing a hawk cry out,
I just want to shout.

Flowers (free verse)

The sweet smell of flowers
fills my head with wonder
roses, violets, tulips,
are all the different kinds of flowers.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Paradise (free verse) *

Through the elaborate forest
the birds start chirping,
when dawn starts to break
calmness and serenity filters the air.
Time slowing, like a dream,
butterflies fluttering, coyotes howl;
squirrels creep out of their hole
Nature's coming to life.

Snow (free verse)

Nature provides us with snow.
A lifesaver, yet so cold, so chilly
White but yet reflective,
It is our winter fun.

Summer heat (free verse)

The heat blazes everywhere
fire all over the place
blistering, boiling, burning
covered in sweat.

Fall leaves (haiku)

Leaves blowing around
The white wind getting chilly
It is autumn time.

Monday 27 February 2012

Spring (free verse)

During the frigid morning,
dew drops flutter on the ground
on the lush green grass,
in the garden.

The world as we see it (diamante) *

                  amazing beautiful
              living growing evolving
environment scenery medicine knowledge
          fascinating intriguing exciting
                 curious investigative

Sunday 26 February 2012

Thursday 23 February 2012

Gentle breeze

The pine trees,
covered with white snow
in the gentle breezes
that always blow.
Through the breezes,
there is always a chime
even though it always freezes
in the wintertime.
This place is amazing.
One can't describe it with words
and it is usually blazing
with the regular birds.
Fluttering in the bright sky,
This is where peace lie.

Sunday 19 February 2012


Nature is amazing,
we should all enjoy nature,
as we are often gazing,
at nature's architecture.
The damage is done.
We must stop global warming,
as many of our loved ones run,
it is very alarming.
The beautiful field,
the white swan.
It cannot be healed,
as it is all gone.
Nature must be protected,
As humans will also be affected.

White river (Haiku)

The fish are jumping
in the calm, flowing river
Where nature is best

The way of life (diamante)

            beautiful passion
   expectant desiring promising
chance peace depressed angry
     crying punching sleeping
          futile inadequate

Friday 17 February 2012

Freezing day (haiku)

The  tall, white mountains.
The cold snow, the chilly breeze,
all in a blizzard.

Forest (haiku) *

beautiful forest.
full of life and yet so young,
rests in inner peace.